Dawngeon 1.5 Update and Future Roadmap

Dawngeon 1.4 introduced new systems, characters, and weapons but also unintentionally created major bugs with credit systems and story mode. In Dawngeon 1.5, the volume will be divided into five and will mainly focus on stability and finishing Dawngeon as a whole. 

Join the the official Dawngeon Discord community to share your ideas and feedback. 

Discord: https://discord.gg/AXUmWE8ntv 

1.5 Updates

Arcade Basecamp

Arcade now starts from the basecamp where player can prepare the run by crafting with warehouse resources.

House - listen to new BGM in Arcade mode

Workshop - craft passive items

passive items

immune + 10 DEF

gold totem + 50 HP

medicine - health regeneration (+ 5 HP in every 3 seconds).

beer + 1 CRIT

thorn - create a yellow guard around you

red totem attack + 30 ATK

passive items can be crafted with warehouse resources in Arcade basecamp Workshop. Build Workshop first to create these items.

infinite mode

In Arcade, now there’s an option for infinite mode. With infinite mode, players can play the Arcade until they die.

Bug fixes

Ricochet bug fix

Story mode bug fix

saving system bug fix

Clara bug fix

strong bow plus UI fix

Treasure box bug fix

Game result calculation bug fix

Balance Updates

Sarah - now heals total 25HP during her transformation in the Energy form.

Kyle - create larger energy circle

Mono - Shield 6 -> 4.5 seconds 

Evan (Sorcerers) - HP 1000 -> 800 / Meteor 3 -> 2

UI Fixes

options for larger control buttons

interact button has moved next to skill button

item hot key moved next to where interact was located before.


longer story mode or chapter 2?

I would love to but I can not promise when.

Developing a story mode takes a very long time, and with limited time, creating more story with the quality I want is hard to achieve without a team. I also think the current story mode misses a lot of details in terms of level design and story telling and needs revisions. Dawngeon has more to tell and more to uncover. Dawngeon is a very special game for me. My future projects will integrate with the Dawngeon Universe, continuing the Dawn Legacy. 

Hunger System?

Current health system is very straight forward. I am afraid that implementing a hunger system will over complicate the game. 

Armor system?

Armor system might Overlap with the new passive items.

Clothing / Skin / Costume?

Clothing is currently hard to implement as I have to draw more sprites. Not ideal nor fun.


Dawngeon’s architecture is not designed for multiplayer. It will be easier If I just create another game. 

Future Roadmap

Dawngeon 1.5

Dawngeon 1.5.1 - two more buildings for the arcade basecamp / cooking system remake

Dawngeon 1.5.2 - new characters (will have the same pricing as Koi or lower)

Dawngeon 1.5.3 - new weapons

Dawngeon 1.5.4 - leaderboard system / speed run support

Dawngeon 1.5.5 ~ 1.5.9 - minor bug fixes

Dawngeon is a non-profit service. All Rights Reserved by Youngje Park.


1.5 Part II


Dawngeon 1.4 (1.4.7)